Question Period April 11th, 2024

Today I rose in the House of Commons to talk about the financial hardships that Canadians are facing. The Liberals need to pass Bill C-234 in its ORIGINAL form to help with the cost of living. C-234 will make food cheaper by removing farmers from the Carbon Tax. If it’s cheaper for them ... Full Article

Parliament Passes Conservative Motion!

Yesterday the NDP and the Bloc voted with the Conservatives in a motion to make Justin Trudeau meet with the premiers of this country. Trudeau has 5 weeks from receiving the letter from Pierre Poilievre to meet with the premiers to discuss the Carbon Tax. The only question that needs to be ... Full Article


Kevin Waugh, MP will be holding a passport clinic on May 24th, 2023 Circle Drive Alliance Church – 3035 Preston Avenue South. Entrance B, Fireside Lounge. 10:00 am – 4:00 pm HOW CLINICS CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR APPLICATION? Staff and volunteers will help you to prepare your application ... Full Article

Bring Back Common Sense – Protect Our Jobs

Saguenay, QC – The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, stands with forestry workers in opposing the Trudeau government’s imposition of a Ministerial Order to block the logging of several thousand square kilometres of Quebec’s ... Full Article

C-11 Trudeau’s censorship bill!

Bill C-11 has entered its final debate. If the bill passes, your freedom and freedom of choice online will be censored. A chorus of Canadians from all walks of life have been calling on the Liberals to kibosh this censorship bill! I don’t care what political party you support. ANY kind of ... Full Article

Bill S-202 Parliamentary Visual Artist Laureate

Bill S-202 An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (Parliamentary Visual Artists Laureate) Such a pleasure to rise as we debate Bill S-202. The Visual Arts Laureate, as proposed in the bill, would be a two-year appointed position, and through this role, an artist would “promote the arts ... Full Article