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King Charles III Coronation Medals

Do you know an outstanding individual? Come by the office #5-2720 8th St E Saskatoon Sk. and fill out a nomination form. The Coronation Medal commemorates the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III as King of Canada. Eligible candidates must ... Full Article

Moment of Silence for Rex Murphy

In honour of Rex Murphy, a famous Canadian journalist, we had a moment of silence in The House of Commons. Mr. Murphy was born in March of 1947 and died on May 9th, 2024. He wrote for many years and was most recently writing for the National ... Full Article

Conservatives Up in the Polls!

According to 338 Canada, if an election were held today the Conservatives could potentially win over 200 seats! Let’s keep the blue wave going. These kinds of numbers are exciting! For more information and graphs go to Full Article

John Allen Fraser

John Allen Fraser, the first speaker of the house to be elected by ballot passed away on April 9th. Mr. Fraser served the constituents of Vancouver South from the years 1972-1993 as a part of The Progressive Conservative Party. He served as ... Full Article

Parliament Passes Conservative Motion!

Yesterday the NDP and the Bloc voted with the Conservatives in a motion to make Justin Trudeau meet with the premiers of this country. Trudeau has 5 weeks from receiving the letter from Pierre Poilievre to meet with the premiers to discuss the ... Full Article


Kevin Waugh, MP will be holding a passport clinic on May 24th, 2023 Circle Drive Alliance Church – 3035 Preston Avenue South. Entrance B, Fireside Lounge. 10:00 am – 4:00 pm HOW CLINICS CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR APPLICATION? Staff and ... Full Article

Bring Back Common Sense – Protect Our Jobs

Saguenay, QC – The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, stands with forestry workers in opposing the Trudeau government’s imposition of a Ministerial Order to block the logging of ... Full Article